Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Power of Self

Everyone, no matter who they are, or what race, or culture, or sex, has the fewer within themselves to change themselves for the better. If they truly choose to. There are a lot of things in life over which a person has no control. There are also a lot of things in life over which a person does have control, starting with SELF, and the responsibility one has to one's SELF.

If you are a Student: then study that much harder, read that much more, learn that much more. Make yourself more than just a student.

If you are a worker: work a little harder, learn all you can about all aspects of where you work. Go back to school, or study at home if need be, but do whatever it takes to get the job done!

If you are a parent: then be a parent. Teach your child, or children, educate them at home before you send them off to school. If your child has talent, encourage your child, bring out that talent to its fullest. Tell your children you love them, let them feel your love. Children don't ask to be born, and if a child could teach itself what it needs to know, then why would it need parents?

Take control of your responsibilities. Take control of yourself, and by doing so you will take control of your life, your future, your destiny. Some people think that this is easier said than done, but it's not, because all things, positive or negative, start from within. It's how you deal with them that makes them what they end up.

No matter who you are or what you do, you have the ability within yourself to make things better for yourself if you truly want to. The best way to go about this is to first accept YOURSELF for who you are. You must love and respect, as well as appreciate, you, even if the rest of the world doesn't. Take pride in all you learn, take pride in who you are and where you come from. The more you learn, the more pride you will have, and the more you will want to carry on the tradition that your culture started. Once you find out who you are, nothing and no one will be able to keep you down. Once you have the knowledge of SELF you will no longer be satisfied with the way things have been, especially if they have been bad.

If knowledge is power, then there can be no stronger power than the knowledge of SELF. But only you can find yourself, only you can prepare and better yourself. Because it all starts with you.

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